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    Honeycomb Lens

    更新时间:2025-03-09   浏览数:504
    所属行业:仪器仪表 光学仪器 光学配件
    价格:¥88888.00 美元/片 起
    product nameHoneycomb Lens The subunit 1000μm focal length30mm, 40mm, 50mm, 100mm or 150mm The advantages of hexagonal Fly eye lensFocus 70% of high energy to 130 central points to form a honeycomb lattice and act on human skin The Cosmetic application of Honeycomb lensRemove acne marks, scars, pit marks

    The honeycomb lens refers to a hexagonal Microlens array composed of hundreds of hexagonal micro lenses according to a certain rule. The subunit is 1000μm, focal length is 30mm, 40mm, 50mm, 100mm or 150mm. It is also called hexagonal Fly eye lens, Fly’s eye or focus Lens Array. It has the functions of beam focusing and beam shaping. 
    In the laser beauty industry, honeycomb lenses are usually used in combination with picosecond lasers recently. The honeycomb lens can be detachable on the honeycomb output head, and is easy to use. Old beauty instruments can be upgraded with the honeycomb focus effect by adding a honeycomb output head. 
    "Honeycomb focusing" collects 70% of the input laser beam and focusing onto hundreds of honeycomb small spots. After acting on the skin, it can highly concentrate the laser beam to stimulate the proliferation and reorganization of collagen, so that the skin tissue can achieve 20 times the standard dose under high energy concentration. 

    The advantages of hexagonal Fly eye lens:
    -Focus 70% of high energy to 130 central points to form a honeycomb lattice and act on human skin
    -The laser energy released from the central point of each honeycomb can be up to 20 times stronger
    -The honeycomb oscillating effect shatters the melanocytes of epidermis and spreads to the deep dermis. 

    The Cosmetic application of Honeycomb lens:
    -Remove acne marks, scars, pit marks,
    -Dermal spots, freckles, coffee spots, sunburn, chloasma, age spots, liver spots, etc.
    -Remove small wrinkles on the face, whiten skin, and reduce pores
    -Tattoo removal

    Standard product list (Hexagonal Fly’s eye):
    The hexagonal Microlens array is mainly used for 1064nm and 532nm laser. Please contact us if you want to custom. 
    Part Number Subunit Shape Subunit Size Focal length Lens Size Wavelength Range
    ML-H-1000-30 hexagonal 1000μm 30mm - 450nm-2600nm
    ML-H-1000-40 hexagonal 1000μm 40mm Φ16mm×2 450nm-2600nm
    ML-H-1000-50 hexagonal 1000μm 50mm Φ16mm×2 450nm-2600nm
    ML-H-1000-100 hexagonal 1000μm 100mm Φ16mm×2 450nm-2600nm
    ML-H-1000-150 hexagonal 1000μm 150mm Φ16mm×2 450nm-2600nm

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